way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «A LITTLE GOLDEN FEATHER»
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20 min. 42 sec.
This film is put on the motives of the Italian fairy tale. The capricious princess puts salt and pepper in the old woman’s meal. The old woman turns out to be a sorceress and she carries the princess to her palace where she feeds her with the same meal. The boy-apprentice helps the Princess. They return home together.
directed byLeonid Aristov, Olga Khodataeva
written byAnatoly Stepanov
art directorsPerch Sarkisyan, Konstantin Karpov
artistsElena Tannenberg, Vera Valerianova, Irina Troyanova, Irina Svetlitsa
animatorsTatiana Taranovich, Anatoly Petrov, Vladimir Popov, Vladimir Balashov, Valentin Kushnerev, Victor Shevkov, Konstantin Chikin, Vladimir Pekar, Vladimir Krumin, Marina Voskaniants, Elena Khludova, Renata Mirenkova, Galina Barinova
cameramanElena Petrova
musicAntonio Spadavekkia
soundNikolai Prilutsky
script editorRaisa Frichinskaya

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