way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «THE END OF THE BLACK BOG»
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19 min. 31 sec.
The inhabitants of the Black Bog – the Wood-goblin, the Water-sprite and Baba Yaga can’t put up with the features of  modern civilization – with the airplanes, trains and so on. The Wood-goblin goes to the village and sees that the collective farmers don’t believe in the evil spirits.
directed byVladimir Degtyarev
written byArcady Snessarev
art directorVladimir Danilevich
artistsN. Tselikov, V. Chernikhova
animatorsPavel Petrov, M. Mamonov
cameramanMichael Kamenetsky
executive producerNathan Bitman
musicVassily Solovjov-Sedoi
soundGeorge Martynuk
script editorBoris Voronov
puppets and decorV. Kuranov, Roman Gurov, Vera Cherkinskaya, Gennady Lutinsky, O. Plutsinskaya
voice artistsGeorge Vitsin, Vladimir Ratomsky, Irina Mazing, Margarita Korabelnikova, Vladimir Lepko

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