way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «IN THE 30TH CENTURY»
15 min. 2 sec.
It is a modern fairy tale about boy Denis who goes to a far planet to help its inhabitants who have got in a trouble.
directed byVladimir Samsonov
written byHenry Sapgir
art directorNina Vinogradova
animatorsYoury Kuziurin, Fedor Yeldinov, Svetlana Sichkar, Yana Volskaya, Marina Rogova, Olga Orlova, Gennady Sokolsky, Joseph Kuroyan, Elvira Maslova
cameramanYoury Neiman
executive producerLubov Butyrina
musicBoris Shnaper
soundVladimir Kutuzov
script editorRaisa Frichinskaya
text is read byVsevolod Larionov
cutterLubov Georgiyeva

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