way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «TYAP-LYAP, THE HOUSE-PAINTER»
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9 min. 36 sec.
directed byGarry Bardin
written byGarry Bardin
art directorIrina Lennikova
animatorsNina Timofeyeva, Irina Sobinova-Kassil, Michael Pisman, Elena Gagarina
cameramanSergei Khlebnikov
executive producerBella Khodova
musicNina Savicheva
soundVladimir Kutuzov
script editorTatiana Paporova
puppets and decorA. Utkin, Michael Koltunov, Alexander Maximov, Alexander Gorbachev, Vladimir Maslov, Alexander Belyahev, Victor Grishin, Semyon Etlis, Natalia Grinberg, Sergei Popov
sculptorsM. Metlyansky, M. Mitliansky
cutterNadezhda Treshcheva

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