way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «WHEN SAND WILL RISE»
9 min. 16 sec.
 The film is put on the motives of an ancient Russian ballad which slightly opens a veil above the world of old Slavic mythology. It is a traditional story of struggle of good and harm, personified in images of the family and its destroyer - Volkodlack. The cast is called up by the art of Slavs.
directed byGalina Barinova
written byAnatoly Petrov
art directorGalina Petrova
artistsOlga Pavlova, A. Karaseva
animatorsGalina Zolotovskaya, Tatiana Pomerantseva, Marina Rogova, Elena Malashenkova, Olga Orlova, Joseph Kuroyan, Alexander Panov, Antonina Alyoshina, Sergei Dezhkin
cameramanMichael Druyan
executive producerLubov Butyrina
soundVladimir Kutuzov
script editorAndrey Vyatkin
cutterElena Beliavskaya
vocalYu. Moisseyev, V. Popov

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