way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «HARE THE MALINGERER»
directed byLeonid Amalrik
written bySergei Mikhalkov
art directorsTatiana Sazonova, Nadezhda Privalova
artistsOlga Ghemmerling, Vera Valerianova
animatorsMarina Rogova, Tatiana Taranovich, Vadim Dolgikh, Vladimir Arbekov, Lidia Reztsova, Oleg Safronov, Youry Butyrin, Nina Nikolayeva, Alexander Davydov, Renata Mirenkova, Elizabeth Komova, Ivan Davydov, V. Maximovich, V. Rogov, Victor Arsentiev
cameramanMichael Druyan
executive producerFedor Ivanov
musicNikita Bogoslovsky
soundGeorge Martynuk
script editorZinaida Pavlova
voice artistsKlementina Rostovtseva, George Vitsin, Ivan Lubeznov, Grigory Shpigel, Anastasia Georghiyevskaya, Michael Yanshin

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