way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «THE COLLAGE»
The film shows thematic, genre and stylistic variety of production of the studio of the issue of 1989-1990
directed byGalina Barinova, Natalia Dabizha, Ivan Ufimtsev, Sergei Olifirenko, Vladimir Arbekov, Vladimir Dudkin
written byJeanna Vitenzon, Alexandra Sviridova, Ante Zaninovic, Sergei Shats, Eleonora Tade, Victor Kalashnikov, D. Polonsky
art directorsNikolai Titov, Galina Petrova, Elena Gagarina, Fedor Yeldinov, Leonid Pozhidaev, Yevgenia Bogolubova, Ekaterina Mikhailova

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