way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «THE PAINTED FOX»
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10 min. 42 sec.
directed byAlexander Ivanov
written byNikolai Abramov, Boris Brodsky
art directorsGennady Filippov, Igor Znamensky
artistsGalina Nevzorova, Vera Valerianova, Irina Troyanova, Irina Svetlitsa, Dmitry Anpilov
animatorsYu. Belov, Faina Yepifanova, Elizabeth Komova, Victor Likhachev, Mstislav Kuprach, Lidia Reztsova, Roman Davydov
cameramanNikolai Vohinov
soundV. Smirnov, Nikolai Prilutsky
cutterValentina Ivanova

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