way :: animator.ru : data base : films : «»
0 , 1 h. 15 min., 2013
directed byAlexander Khramtsov, Vadim Sotskov, Inna Yevlannikova
written byV. Strelchenko, M. Belozor, Nikolai Makovsky, S. Moskvich, M. Vozniak, A. Galanov, D. Chua
art directorsAlexander Khramtsov, S. Grudinin
animatorsD. Leskov, Ivan Malkov
composingD. Shumkin, N. Chernov, D. Kim, Ye. Lukashevich
produced byVadim Sotskov, Yu. Matiash, Sergei Zernov, Anton Zlatopolskii
musicIvan Uriupin, A. Kosinskii
soundDmitry Batyzhev
voice artistsMaryana Spivak, Yevgeny Mironov, Nona Grishaeva, Sergei Garmash, Timur Rodriges

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